Thursday, February 5, 2009


The content for this digital storytelling is found in the 5th grade language-arts, Standard 8 Objective 6 which states: Write in different forms and genres. This objective also includes the following:
* Produce personal writing (e.g., journals, personal experiences, eyewitness accounts, memoirs, literature responses).
* Produce traditional and imaginative stories, narrative and formula poetry.
* Share writing with others incorporating relevant illustrations, photos, charts, diagrams, and/or graphs to add meaning.

This fits in very well with the pedagogy because we are teaching the students to write their own stories based on personal experiences and/or imagination. I will show the students my personal adventure story through photostory or iMovie. I will then teach the students to produce their own personal writing and share it with the rest of their classmates. Also, by doing this project the students are learning to use technology and be creative with their work.

The technology really adds to the content and the pedagogy because it allows the students to find really fun and exciting ways to produce their personal writings. This technology also makes it more fun for the students to share their work because they could have a class movie/ story board day. This type of technology really enhances the materials and makes the work fun for the students and fun for those viewing the work. The students are able to share their personal writing and utilize their creativity in a fun way. It is also easy for the teacher to teach these concepts to the students because the technology makes it so much more engaging and fun!

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